Topsides installation methods for deep draft semisubmersibles

Nov. 29, 2010
The risks of integration and commissioning deepwater field development projects affect the selection of a platform design concept. Selection of the design is subject to contradictory influences.

Niels Haakman, Rutger Dolk,CIMC Raffles Offshore Ltd.

The risks of integration and commissioning deepwater field development projects affect the selection of a platform design concept. Selection of the design is subject to contradictory influences. The semisubmersible-based FPU can be integrated and commissioned at the dock, but a spar used when drilling and workover is needed can save the cost of long-term MODU with the added advantage o lower heave motions.

This presentation looks at these contradictory selection criteria with an eye toward constructability and topsides integration of a deep draft semisubmersible. The author compares: use of a 20,000-ton crane for offshore floatovers; a heavy-lift derrick barge; application of a jacking system; Kiewit’s Heavy Lift Device; and use of multiple lifts to assemble modular topsides.

Wednesday, 14:30 - 15:00 - ROOM E104