Africa Oil has issued updates on its E&P activities offshore southern Africa and Nigeria.
Technical studies are underway to define the development concept for the ultradeepwater Venus oil discovery in the Orange Basin offshore Namibia, operated by TotalEnergies. Testing on the four successful wells was completed earlier this year.
Africa Oil, via its interest in Impact Oil and Gas, has retained upside exposure to appraisal and exploration opportunities that, if successful, could increase the resource base on blocks 2912 and 2913B.
Processing of 3D seismic data completed during first-half 2024 could improve the definition of prospects on Block 2193B to the south of Venus.
The partners will consider drilling more high-impact wells on separate fan structures on the block either late this year or in 2025 once 3D seismic interpretation work has finished.
TotalEnergies has also begun planning for an appraisal well on the Mangetti Fan structure, following the success of the Mangetti-1X exploration well, 35 km northwest of Venus-1X. This well intersected hydrocarbon-bearing intervals in the Mangetti and Venus fans.
Late last month, Africa Oil signed an agreement to acquire an additional 1% interest in Block 3B/4B in the South African offshore portion of the Orange Basin from Eco Atlantic, having earlier entered a farm-down agreement for the concession with TotalEnergies and QatarEnergy.
Pending government approval, the transaction should close later this year, with TotalEnergies assuming operatorship.
Africa Oil expects an initial response from South Africa’s regulator shortly to its ESIA application for drilling activities on the block; the first exploration well could be drilled during 2025.
Offshore Nigeria, the Agbami Field has delivered improved production performance and rates declining more slowly than expected. The Agbami 4D M3 seismic acquisition survey should conclude during the current quarter and will be followed by processing of the results and planning for a drilling campaign, which will likely start in late 2025/early 2026.
During the first half of the year, two new producers and one injection well came online at Akpo West, a subsea tieback to the Akpo FPSO. The commitment to the drilling rig has been extended, so activities will continue across the Akpo and Egina fields through 2025.
An extensive seismic acquisition campaign was completed in the second quarter over Akpo, Preowei and Egina. This has established a baseline survey for the Preowei Field, and the 4D monitor surveys for Akpo and Egina will help inform an infill drilling program and support reservoir surveillance work.
The first phase of the FEED for Preowei has finished, with Phase 2 set to be completed in the current quarter. Results will support FID on the project, enabling engineering, procurement, construction and installation to kick off next year.