Statoil (OSE:STL) is inviting offers for the Huldra field platform in the Norwegian North Sea.
Offshore staff
STAVANGER, Norway – Statoil (OSE:STL) is inviting offers for the Huldra field platform in the Norwegian North Sea.
The steel jacket facility started production in 2001 and could remain in service on the field until 2014/2015. Its designed life span is 20 years.
However, based on operational experience Statoil believes its operational life could be extended by several more years without major investments, aside from regular maintenance.
Huldra was constructed as a high-pressure/high-temperature gas/condensate production platform, but it can also be used for production of light and heavy oils and other gas compositions. It is normally unmanned, but has sleeping facilities for 30 people.
Reuse of the facility could potentially reduce the time and costs of developing other fields, Statoil suggests, in particular marginal fields and tail-end production.