Second FPSO goes onstream at presalt Iara cluster offshore Brazil

June 26, 2020
Petrobras has started production through the FPSO P-70 on the Iara cluster in the presalt Santos basin offshore Brazil.

Offshore staff

RIO DE JANEIRO/PARIS – Petrobras has started production through the FPSO P-70 on the Iara cluster in the presalt Santos basin offshore Brazil.

The vessel is receiving oil and gas from the Atapu shared deposit in the eastern part of the presalt area, close to the Búzios field, in block BM-S-11A.

The Atapu deposit, partly comprising the Oeste de Atapu and Atapu fields, was assigned last September following a unitization process. Shell, Total, and Petrogal are the other partners.

P-70, the fifth in a series of larger, ‘replicant’ FPSOs commissioned by Petrobras, is designed to   process up to 150,000 b/d of oil and to treat up to 6 MMcm/d of natural gas.

It is operating around 200 km from the coast of Rio de Janeiro state, in 2,300 m (7,546 ft) water depth, and should eventually be connected to eight producing and eight injection wells.

According to Total, the vessel will double overall production capacity at the Iara cluster, which came onstream last November at the Berbigão field via the FPSO P-68.
