Dave Bucior
Dave began his 29 year career in industrial tracer diagnostic applications with Tracerco in 1985. Through the course of his career, Dave has experienced tracer application from all perspectives, ranging from site work as a Field Engineer responsible for individual project delivery through to Business Management responsible for strategic global business development. Dave has significant experience with tracer applications in all areas of the hydrocarbon supply chain including subsurface, topsides, downstream refining and petrochemical as well as gasoline distribution. Dave is a recognized tracer applications expert and though-out the course of his career he has authored and co-authored numerous published papers for engineering associations and trade journals.
Dave is currently managing Tracerco’s Reservoir Business in North America. Given the high volume of unconventional shale oil development in North America, his recent focus has been centered upon ensuring deliverables to meet demand for Tracerco’s recently patented hydrocarbon tagging technology providing empirical measurement of hydrocarbon production per stage in unconventional wells – a rapidly expanding business with over 30,000 stages tagged to date.