Tesco Corporation


About Tesco Corporation


More Info on Tesco Corporation

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TESCO Corporation is a global leader in the design, manufacture and service of technology-based solutions for the upstream energy industry. With a strong commitment to an in-house research and development program, TESCO is able to take innovative solutions from concept to commerciality. TESCO delivers solutions that add real value by reducing the cost of drilling for and producing oil and gas.

TESCO operates around the world, with experience in every major petroleum-producing region. As the largest supplier of rental Top Drive Drilling Systems, TESCO also provides top drive sales and after-market sales for parts and services. TESCO is the acknowledged leader in the commercialization of its patented CASING DRILLING® process and the resulting Casing Running services. Additionally, TESCO designs and manufactures a variety of drilling rigs, drilling machinery and related equipment.

TESCO's mandate is to change the way people drill wells, making operations safer and more efficient. With a history of technical innovation, a track record of superior customer service and a future of leading-edge solutions, TESCO will continue to set new standards and demonstrate leadership in the upstream petroleum industry.

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