

More Info on Tracerco

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Tracerco, part of Johnson Matthey a FTSE 100 company, has a 30-year history of reservoir characterization studies with waterflood & gas tracers, now introduce their Reservoir Tracing Technology for Frac’s and Completions for conventional & unconventional wellbores. Using water, oil & gas phase chemical tracers for 30 days to 3 years of continuous tracer production data along the wellbore, pinpoints and characterizes the wellbore inflow production in vertical / horizontal wellbores without the need to run tools or coil tubing. Information generated using Tracerco’s patented technology has been used in evaluating wellbore placement, stimulation and on-going well design to enhance future performance from unconventional fields. With a world-wide network of analytical laboratories, Tracerco can provide wireless Tracer Production Logging (TPL) online with rapid turnaround of results.

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Articles & News

Courtesy Tracerco

Systems allow for inspection and screening of subsea pipelines

Feb. 13, 2024
Advances in inspection technologies benefit deepwater pipeline maintenance.

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