Statoil selects subsea scheme for Mikkel

Feb. 26, 2001
Norway's Statoil AS said Friday it would develop its Mikkel gas/condensate field in the Norwegian Sea through a 2 billion kroner scheme involving subsea facilities and well flow transfer via the Midgard field to the operator's Åsgard B platform. The state-owned company's plan for development and operation of the field will be submitted to the Ministry of Petroleum in May. First flow is expected by Oct. 1, 2003.

LONDON, Feb. 26�Norway's Statoil AS said Friday it would develop its Mikkel gas/condensate field in the Norwegian Sea through a 2 billion kroner scheme involving subsea facilities and well flow transfer via the Midgard field to the operator's Åsgard B platform.

The state-owned company's plan for development and operation of the field, which straddles Blocks 6407/6 and 6407/7, will be submitted to the Ministry of Petroleum in May. It said first flow would be Oct. 1, 2003 "at the latest."

The development scheme, according to Project Manager Kjetil Ohm, envisaged producing 20 billion cu m of gas and 30 million bbl of condensate through four production wells.

Statoil said the gas will be moved through the 42-in., 707-km Åsgard trunkline, which started operation last October, via the Kårstø treatment plant, and then on to continental Europe.

Statoil delayed its development decision for Mikkel 3 months because it was unable to decide whether to use Åsgard B or Norske Shell AS's Draugen installation as host platform.

Mikkel partners are ExxonMobil Corp. with 33.48%, the state's direct financial interest 33.26%, Statoil 23.26%, and Norsk Hydro AS 10%.