Discovery made at Sturgis

Oct. 9, 2003
Devon Energy Corp. said the ChevronTexaco-operated Sturgis No. 1 well found more than 100 ft of net pay sands in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. The well, on Atwater Valley block 183, is in 3,700 ft of water and was drilled to 25,005 ft. A subsequent side-track was drilled to 27,739 ft. Additional appraisal drilling is planned to determine the extent of the Sturgis discovery.

Devon Energy Corp. said the ChevronTexaco-operated Sturgis No. 1 well found more than 100 ft of net pay sands in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. The well, on Atwater Valley block 183, is in 3,700 ft of water and was drilled to 25,005 ft. A subsequent side-track was drilled to 27,739 ft. Additional appraisal drilling is planned to determine the extent of the Sturgis discovery.

"This discovery is the first in our promising joint venture with ChevronTexaco," said J. Michael Lacey, senior vice president of exploration and production at Devon.
ChevronTexaco holds 50% working interest and Devon and EnCana each hold 25% working interest in the Sturgis discovery.
