ExxonMobil subsidiary has first deepwater find on block 32 off Angola

June 4, 2003
ExxonMobil Corp. subsidiary Esso Exploration Angola Ltd. has participated in a deepwater oil discovery well on block 32 offshore Angola. Esso drilled the Gindungo-1 discovery well in 4,700 ft of water. The well flowed at 7,400 and 5,700 b/d from two separate zones. It is the first exploration well on block 32, which is 102 mi offshore Angola.

ExxonMobil Corp. subsidiary Esso Exploration Angola Ltd. has participated in a deepwater oil discovery well on block 32 offshore Angola.

Esso drilled the Gindungo-1 discovery well in 4,700 ft of water. The well flowed at 7,400 and 5,700 b/d from two separate zones. It is the first exploration well on block 32, which is 102 mi offshore Angola.

Sonangol, the Angolan national oil company, is the concessionaire of the block and Esso has a 15% interest. The other block 32 interest owners are operator Total 30%, Marathon Oil Co. 30%, Sonangol 20%, and Petrogal 5%.
