Production from the Terra Nova field in the Janne basin off Newfoundland increased during 1Q 2003, according to Gordon Carrick, East Coast vice president for Petro-Canada. Carrick told attendees at the Newfoundland Ocean Industries Association annual meeting that production now stands at 180,000 b/d.
Terra Nova received sanction to increase production to 150,000 b/d in December 2001. The increase to 180,000 b/d came the following month. Despite pack ice that Carrick said was "heavier than normal and further south," the FPSO never had to disconnect while ice was flowing this spring, which allowed high production levels to be sustained.
Unfortunately, all of Petro-Canada's news is not positive. The company participated in two deepwater wells in the Flemish Pass off Newfoundland. Both Mizzen and Tuckamore were plugged and abandoned. Despite disappointments, Carrick said the company continues to be optimistic about Atlantic Canada. "The East Coast continues to be a significant part of Petro-Canada's focus," he said.
The next significant project will be drilled in the Far East segment of the Terra Nova field. This region represents one of the most important growth opportunities in Atlantic Canada, according to Carrick. Two wells have been drilled, and a third is planned, Carrick said.
Threshold reserves are being established, and Petro-Canada is hoping to sanction development next year, Carrick said. The field could be the first offshore Eastern Canada to be tied back to an existing platform, he concluded.