Forest Oil begins production in GoM

Nov. 18, 2003
Forest Oil Corp. has begun initial production from its deep shelf discovery at South Timbalier block 72 well No 21 in the Gulf of Mexico. The well, drilled to a total depth of 19,072 ft, was placed on-line to sales at a rate of 2,000 b/d of oil and 1.4 MMcf/d of gas with a flowing tubing pressure of 5,500 psi. The well took 90 days to drill and put into production.

Forest Oil Corp. has begun initial production from its deep shelf discovery at South Timbalier block 72 well No 21 in the Gulf of Mexico. The well, drilled to a total depth of 19,072 ft, was placed on-line to sales at a rate of 2,000 b/d of oil and 1.4 MMcf/d of gas with a flowing tubing pressure of 5,500 psi. The well took 90 days to drill and put into production.

Forest, as operator, has a 75% working interest, and Dominion Exploration & Production, Inc., a subsidiary of Dominion Resources, Inc., holds the remaining 25%.
