OTC luncheons focus on worldwide issues

Jan. 8, 2003
Eight topical luncheons are scheduled for the 35th Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) on Monday, May 5 and Wednesday, May 7. The presentations and discussions will cover current and future offshore developments, industry challenges, best practices, new concepts, case studies, and future opportunities.

Eight topical luncheons are scheduled for the 35th Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) on Monday, May 5 and Wednesday, May 7. The presentations and discussions will cover current and future offshore developments, industry challenges, best practices, new concepts, case studies, and future opportunities.

Deepwater-The Best Laid Plan
John Huff, chairman and CEO, Oceaneering International Inc.
This presentation will focus on intervention planning and how applied technology has aided the industry in advancing into deeper waters to provide a higher level of safety and cost efficiency in deepwater operations. Huff also will showcase some examples of what can happen when plans go awry, discuss the benefits of inter-industry technology exchange, and look at preparations for the future.

Developments and Changes in the Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas
Chris Oynes, regional director, Gulf of Mexico, OCS Region, US Minerals Management Service
Oynes will discuss the changing trends in exploration, development, and leasing in the Gulf of Mexico, with a focus on deep gas incentives for shallow water production and the continued unfolding of deepwater projects.

Energy Politics-Its Application in Today's Offshore Oil and Gas Industry
Ron Olginey, adjunct professor and director engineering research development, University of Houston
This presentation will address the current and future state of the energy industry, stressing public perceptions and current politics. Olginey also will discuss why the national energy debate is persistently off base and colored with outdated or outright wrong images.

Independent's Perspective of Worldwide Deepwater Developments
Darrell Hollek, vice president, Gulf of Mexico and Worldwide Deepwater Operations, Kerr-McGee Oil and Gas Corp.
The presentation will address past experiences followed by strategies, opportunities, and outlook for independent oil and gas companies in the deepwater developments around the world. Holleck also emphasizes the essential expertise and qualities needed to build a successful portfolio, and advantages of being a consistent and long-term player in the deepwater markets.

Reflections on 10 Years of Upstream Benchmarking
Ed Merrow, founder and president, Independent Project Analysis Inc.
Merrow will examine how performance in project management and execution has changed, and the primary drivers of those results. Merrow also will provide a perspective on what would create break-through performance in project execution.

Subsea Systems - What's on the Horizon for New and Frontier Challenges
Peter D. Kinnear, vice president, Energy Systems Group, FMC Technologies Inc.
This presentation will review the history of how the subsea industry arrived at its current state of technological and economical viability and delivers insight as to what directions it must take to enable the economic production of ultra-deepwater and high pressure/ high temperature (HPHT) hydrocarbons.

Sustainable Development: Issues and Implications to the Offshore Industry
Thomas Knudson, senior vice president government affairs and communications, ConocoPhillips
This presentation will show how successful sustainable development is the product of consensus-harmonizing the interests of energy companies, consumers, environmentalists, government, and other stakeholders.

The Impact of Oil and Gas Consolidation
Matt Simmons, chairman and CEO, Simmons and Co. International
This presentation will reflect on what has worked and what was lost as consolidation occurred and what the future holds in terms of added consolidation or the beginning of divestitures and start-ups of new industry participants.
