Sun creates virtual datacenter

June 14, 2007
Sun Microsystems is using EAGE to introduce its Project Blackbox.

Gene Kliewer,
Tchnology Editor

EAGE, London -- Sun Microsystems is using EAGE to introduce its Project Blackbox. Sun bills Project Blackbox as the first virtualized datacenter contained in a 20-ft shipping container.

Project Blackbox targets field deployment, emergency response, and datacenter consolidations and completions as prospects for its services.

The box comes complete with a configurable mix of servers, storage, and networking in an integrated, centralized, water cooled networking and power distribution package. With external hook-ups for water, AC power, and networks, the container has the capacity to run up to 250 Sun Fire servers, hold up to 1,000 x64 cores, support seven terabytes of memory and two petabytes of storage to manage and support up to 10,000 simultaneous desktop users.