Spectrum uses WEM technique for GoM seismic survey

May 11, 2009
Spectrum has processed a 28,000-km (17,398-mi) Gulf of Mexico seismic survey using Wave Equation Migration (WEM) techniques to reveal sub-salt geology.

Offshore staff

HOUSTON -- Spectrum has processed a 28,000-km (17,398-mi) Gulf of Mexico seismic survey using Wave Equation Migration (WEM) techniques to reveal sub-salt geology.

The 2D survey was processed at Spectrum's newly refurbished Houston data processing and imaging facility using both Kirchhoff and Wave Equation depth migration processing.

Compared to normal Kirchhoff migrations, the Wave Equation method increases the focusing of seismic images in areas with complex velocity models and excels in imaging below geology that is traditionally difficult to penetrate with seismic signals, such as salt formations, Spectrum says.

"We first processed the seismic using Kirchhoff eikonal Pre-Stack Depth Migration (PSDM), which produced reliable data and revealed detail about the complex geology in the Gulf of Mexico," says Andy Cuttell, head of Spectrum's worldwide Data Processing operations. "We then considered applying Wave Equation Migration and this has paid off by revealing clearer subsalt definition."
