Strong take-up for far north Norway seismic package
Aug. 22, 2013
Fifteen oil companies have purchased the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate’s seismic data package from the southeastern part of the Barents Sea and the ocean areas off Jan Mayen, between Norway and Iceland.
Offshore staff
OSLO, Norway – Fifteen oil companies have purchased the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate’s seismic data package from the southeastern part of the Barents Sea and the ocean areas off Jan Mayen, between Norway and Iceland.
NPD commissioned two seismic surveys over these areas in 2011 and 2012 on assignment from theNorwegian government.
The buyers are BG Norge; BP Norge; Chevron Norge; ConocoPhillips Skandinavia; Det norske oljeselskap; Dong E&P Norge; ENI Norge; GDF SUEZ E&P Norge; Idemitsu Petroleum Norge; Lundin Norway; AS Norske Shell; OMV (Norge); Statoil Petroleum; Total E&P Norge; and Tullow Oil Norge.