Nini East platform awaiting installation

June 10, 2009
The DONG-operated Nini East development in the Danish North Sea is progressing to plan, according to partner Noreco.

Offshore staff

STAVANGER -- The DONG-operated Nini East development in the Danish North Sea is progressing to plan, according to partner Noreco.

Installation of the platform should take place next week, with the field due to start production during the second half of this year.

In other North Sea fields where Noreco has an interest, well intervention at Hess’ South Arne complex has led to a temporary shut-in of producing wells.

At the Statoil-operated Brage field in the Norwegian sector, gas injection into the Sogneford reservoir has reduced gas exports, but should lift oil production later this year.

Next month a water injection scheme should also get under way, securing high output from the Bowmore well.
