GDF Suez moves forward with Cygnus field development

Aug. 6, 2009
GDF Suez E&P UK has obtained approval from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) for its Cygnus field Environmental Statement.

Offshore staff

LIPHOOK, UK -- GDF Suez E&P UK has obtained approval from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) for its Cygnus field Environmental Statement.

Environment engineers Metoc managed the permitting for the project, which involves the phased development of one of the largest untapped gas fields in the UK.

Metoc’s work included geoscience and benthic survey management, PON15Bs, offshore chemical tracking, end of well (EEMS) reporting, and metocean desk studies. Metoc will continue supporting GDF Suez E&P as the development progresses into the construction and production phases.
