Aibel, FMC win offshore Brazil topside/subsea hardware orders
Aug. 1, 2013
Aibel has a letter of intent from Estaleiros do Brasil (EBR) for topside procurement and fabrication for Petrobras’ P-74 FPSO offshore Brazil.
Offshore staff
STAVANGER, Norway – Aibel has a letter of intent from Estaleiros do Brasil (EBR) for topside procurement and fabrication for Petrobras’P-74 FPSO offshore Brazil.
Work scope involves building five modules with a total weight of 4,750 tons.
Aibel will manage project activities from its offices in Singapore and Thailand, with first steel due to be cut in October. The final module will be loaded out end-August 2014.
EBR is a joint venture between Toyo Engineering and SoG – Oleo e Gas.
Petrobras has additionally contracted FMC Technologies to supply threesubsea boosting stations for the Parque das Baleias development in the Campos basin, offshore Espirito Santo state. The contract value is around $40 million.
“The horizontal boosting station for the Parque das Baleias project is FMC Technologies’ third implementation of this type of subsea boosting technology for Petrobras,” said Tore Halvorsen, FMC’s senior vice president, subsea technologies.