Disappointment for Eni in Voering basin

June 25, 2007
Eni Norge's latest wildcat in the Norwegian Sea was dry.

Offshore staff

OSLO, Norway --Eni Norge's latest wildcat in the Norwegian Sea was dry. The seimsubmersible Transocean Leader drilled well 6504/5-1S in the northern part of the sector, 160-km (99.42 mi) northwest of the Aasgard field in the Voering Basin.

The objective was to explore the gas and oil potential in the Upper Cretaceous Nise and Lysing formations, but the well only encountered thin layers of cemented sandstone in the potential reservoir zones. It was drilled to a total depth of 4,170 m (13,681-ft) below the sea surface.

Statoil has since taken the rig to drill another wildcat, well 6405/10-1, in Norwegian Sea production license 281, awarded under Norway's 17th licensing round. The location is in the Moere basin, 40-km (24.85 mi) north of the Ormen Lange field.
