Statoil finds Sleipner satellite

March 14, 2007
Statoil's has discovered more gas and condensate close to the Sleipner complex in the North Sea. Well 16/4-4, drilled by the jackup West Epsilon, was exploring the Biotitt prospect in production license 339.

Offshore staff

STAVANGER, Norway --Statoil's has discovered more gas and condensate close to the Sleipner complex in the North Sea. Well 16/4-4, drilled by the jackup West Epsilon, was exploring the Biotitt prospect in production license 339.

Drilling was halted after finding hydrocarbons in the Tertiary Heimdal formation. Statoil and partners are evaluating prospects for a development tied back to Sleipner, 20 km (12 mi) to the southwest, and also a joint development with another find to the south (16/7-2).

The rig, which is on a three-year hire from Seadrill, since has moved to block 15/6 in production license 303 to drill the Ermintrude prospect, 10 km (6 mi) north of Sleipner.
