StatoilHydro to drill explorations wells on Statfjord, Gullfaks

July 14, 2009
Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority has granted StatoilHydro consent to drill exploration well 30/9 in the Statfjord field using the semisubmersible Transocean Leader.

Offshore staff

OSLO -- Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority has granted StatoilHydro consent to drill exploration well 30/9 in the Statfjord field using the semisubmersible Transocean Leader.

Drilling operations are scheduled to begin soon and are expected to last for 55 days.

StatoilHydro has also received consent to drill exploration well 34/10-52 S in the northern North Sea using the Deepsea Atlantic.

The well is in production license 050 on Gullfaks Sør in the Tampen area. Drilling is scheduled to begin this month and is expected to last for 90 days.
