Odum-2 appraisal well confirms offshore Ghana discovery

Dec. 8, 2009
The Odum-2 appraisal well has confirmed the 2008 Odum oil discovery on the West Cape Three Points block, offshore Ghana, according to operator Kosmos Energy.

Offshore staff

DALLAS -- The Odum-2 appraisal well has confirmed the 2008 Odum oil discovery on the West Cape Three Points block, offshore Ghana, according to operator Kosmos Energy.

Results of drilling, wireline logs, and reservoir fluid samples show the Odum-2 well penetrated net hydrocarbon-bearing pay of 20 m (66 ft) in high-quality stacked sandstone reservoirs over a gross interval of 182 m (597 ft), the company reports. The well is northeast of the Odum-1 well and east of Kosmos’ Mahogany-1 exploration well and the Jubilee oil field.

The Odum-2 well encountered oil pay in two intervals that appear to be in static pressure communication with the Odum-1 well, the company says. The Odum-2 well encountered an oil-water contact 58 m (190 ft) below the lowest-known oil in the Odum-1 well, extending the known oil column beyond the deepest oil seen in the Odum-1. Reservoir fluid samples recovered indicate an oil gravity of approximately 18-19° API.

The semisub Atwood Hunter drilled Odum-2 to a total depth of 2,506 m (8,222 ft) in a water depth of 816 m (2,677 ft). Following the drilling of the well, the rig will move to the adjacent Deepwater Tano block where it will drill the Tweneboa-2 appraisal well.

“We are pleased that we have successfully confirmed the second of our four oil and gas discoveries to date offshore Ghana,” says Brian F. Maxted, COO of Kosmos Energy. “The Odum-2 well validates the upside potential of the Campanian play on the West Cape Three Points block, which has been determined to be separate from the Jubilee field play. We will continue to evaluate the well’s results.”
