Petrobras scores again in Santos deepwater play

May 21, 2008
Petroleo Brasileiro SA has discovered another pre-salt oil reservoir in ultra deepwater Santos basin.

Offshore staff

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil –Petroleo Brasileiro SA has discovered another pre-salt oil reservoir in ultra deepwater Santos basin.

Well 1-BRSA-532A-SPS (1-SPS-52A) found 25-28º API oil at about 6,000 m (19,685 ft0 in a well drilled to 6,773 m (22,221 ft) in 2,139 m (7,018 ft) water depth. 250 km (155 mi) off the state of Sao Paulo.

Petrobras is operator with 66%, Shell has 20%, and Galp Energia has 14%.
