Malombe yields gas for Petrobras in post-salt Espirito Santo basin
Nov. 4, 2011
Petrobras has discovered a new gas accumulation in the post-salt area of the EspĂrito Santo basin.
Offshore staff
RIO DE JANEIRO – Petrobras has discovered a new gas accumulation in the post-salt area of the EspĂrito Santo basin.
The discovery well, 1-BRSA-983-ESS, otherwise known as Malombe, was drilled in the BM-ES-21 concession (block ES-M-414), 13 km (7.4 mi) southeast of the Peroá field in a water depth of 980 m (3,215 ft).
The outcome was confirmed through the response of the gas detector and of logging in reservoirs at a depth of 2,600 m (8,530 ft).
Petrobras operates the concession in partnership with RepsolSinopec (11.9%).
The partners will continue activities in the block, and intend to submit an Evaluation Plan proposal to the National Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP) to demarcate the accumulation, and estimate the reservoirs’ volumes and productivity.