Joint venture begins drilling exploratory well off Brazil

April 23, 2001
A joint venture of four companies headed by Petrobras last week began drilling exploratory well 1-SCS-10 in Block BS-3 in the Santos basin off southern Brazil. The well is being drilled in 200 m of water about 100 miles east of Itajai. It is to be drilled to 5,200 m TD at cost of $15 million.

HOUSTON, Apr. 23 -- A joint venture of four companies headed by Petroleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras) last week began drilling exploratory well 1-SCS-10 in Block BS-3 in the Santos Basin offshore Brazil.

The well is being drilled in 200 m of water about 100 miles east of Itajai in southern Brazil. It is to be drilled to 5,200 m TD at cost of $15 million.

Its objectives in the lower Guaruja formation are the same type of reservoirs that are producing in nearby Caravela field, as well discoveries in Coral and Estrela-do-Mar fields that are to be developed by the group.

The well's location was selected based on reinterpretation of existing 3D seismic data and additional conventional seismic lines acquired and processed by the joint venture with pre-stacked depth-migration techniques in order to improve definition. It is planned as an updip extension to two discoveries made by Petrobras some years ago, officials said.

They hope it will result in a third commercial development under the license, in addition to development of Coral and Estrela-do-Mar fields.

Petrobras is operator with 35% interest in the project. The other partners include Queiroz Galvao Perfuracoes SA, 30%; Coplex Petroleo do Brasil Ltda. (Coplex Brasil), the indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Naftex Energy Corp., Vancouver, 27.5%; and Starfish Oil & Gas Co., 7.5%.

Petrobras is carried through the exploration well by the other parties pro rata, officials said.