Equinor gets go-ahead for North Sea Stovegolvet drilling

Dec. 21, 2020
Equinor has approval from Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority to drill the Stovegolvet prospect in the North Sea, using the semisubmersible Deepsea Atlantic.

Offshore staff

OSLO, Norway – Equinor has approval from Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) to drill the Stovegolvet prospect in the North Sea, using the semisubmersible Deepsea Atlantic.

The 27-day program, in 289 m (948 ft) of water in license 785 S, should get under way in early February. It involves exploration and P&A of well 21/11-1 S.

In addition, the PSA has extended its consent for use of the accommodation semisub Floatel Endurance on the Equinor-operated Martin Linge field in the northern Norwegian North Sea.

The vessel is connected to the Martin Linge A platform via a walkway.
