Apache Corp. has successfully appraised its deepwater Abu Sir field discovery in the company's West Mediterranean Concession off Egypt.
The Abu Sir-2X, in 3,373 ft of water, was drilled to 13,162 ft TD and penetrated hydrocarbon-bearing intervals in both Pliocene- and Miocene-aged sands. It is the fifth well in Apache's deepwater Egyptian program and the first appraisal well after four successful exploratory tests.
"The positive results of the Abu Sir-2X confirm our understanding of the field and exceed our expectations," said G. Steven Farris, Apache's CEO, president, and COO. "The Pliocene interval includes 55 ft of thick blocky sand, underscoring excellent potential for high rates of deliverability."
After penetrating 250 ft of Miocene salt, gas shows with no apparent water were encountered in Miocene sands between 12,250 ft and 13,162 ft. The shows represent the first sub-salt hydrocarbons encountered in the Nile Delta deepwater. Drilling logs indicated the presence of 100 net ft of possible pay.
The well was drilled 1,462 ft below the original objective of 11,600 ft. It encountered a gas kick at total depth. Due to reduced hole size and rig limitations, Apache abandoned the lower portion of the well, preserving the upper Pliocene section for future production.
Apache intends to test the potential of the deeper Miocene sands either in this well or at a new location in conjunction with the future development of the Pliocene structure.
Apache operates the West Mediterranean Concession with a 55% interest. RWE-DEA has a 35% interest and BP Egypt Co. holds the remaining 10%.