OTC 2015: ABS shows advantages of model-based design
May 7, 2015
ABS is touting computer model-based design at OTC 2015 as a way to explore options for equipment and systems without having to construct them.
Offshore staff
HOUSTON – ABS is touting computer model-based design at OTC 2015 as a way to explore options for equipment and systems without having to construct them. ABS has pointed to its own work on developing modeling and simulation programs and how that has contributed to support of ABS Rule and Guide development and much of that work is available to industry.
ABS simulation models of stepouts coupled to tiebacks can explore the interaction of electrical power systems with tieback and pumping/compression stations and to study power quality phenomena during normal operation as well as during unusual events.
As offshore power system requirements challenge the limits of equipment and systems, ABS is also developing models of offshore and marine power systems operating in a variety of advanced configurations. These allow simulation of equipment and system performance under different normal and fault operating conditions.
The ABS simulation project is part of ongoing multi-year research targeting subsea power systems, power systems associated with dynamic positioning vessels, and other technologies.