Ziebel claims largest-ever oil industry data collection, transfer project

May 19, 2015
Ziebel has completed what it calls the largest-ever collection and transfer of data in the oil and gas industry. 

Offshore staff

STAVANGER, NorwayZiebel has completed what it calls the largest-ever collection and transfer of data in the oil and gas industry. Ziebel collected 1,708 terabytes of data about North Sea wells over eight months at the request of an unnamed major operator.

The data was collected using Ziebel’s Z-System, which uses fiber-optic composite rod technology to access and visualize wellbores in real-time. The Z-System can capture information applicable to well flow optimization, integrity risk control, reservoir modeling, and enhanced oil recovery, with minimum production.

The data gathered was compressed and transferred onto five of Ziebel’s NAS servers, each of which comprises 36 hard drives. Each server measures 6.88 in. (17.5 cm) by 18.89 in. (48 cm) by 27.93 in. (71 cm), and has a capacity of 120 terabytes. Four of the servers were filled to capacity, with the fifth approximately half-full.

The data will be kept on these servers until the customer has uploaded it for analysis, said Ziebel, whereupon it will be used to manage and develop wells in the future.
