OMV builds Norway acreage

June 22, 2007
OMV has issued details of its two latest licenses in Norwegian waters, awarded recently under Norway's pre-defined areas (APA 2006) round.

Offshore staff

VIENNA, Austria --OMV has issued details of its two latest licenses in Norwegian waters, awarded recently under Norway's pre-defined areas (APA 2006) round.

License PL 449 comprises three blocks in the Barents Sea – here OMV as 70% operator is partnered by Discover Petroleum. In North Sea PL 445, OMV will partner Maersk Oil and operator Nexen Exploration Norge.

Earlier this year, when the main batch of APA 2006 awards were released, OMV also picked up PLs 4390 and 439. The company says all the licenses are in prospective areas. It plans a 3D seismic survey over some of the blocks this fall.
