Statoil has awarded ABB a two-year contract extension worth nearly $34 million to continue providing support, service, maintenance, spare parts, and modifications at all of its installations.
ABB and Statoil originally signed a safety and automation agreement in 2000. This two-year extension takes effect on July 1.
In May 2002, ABB signed a $330-million contract with Statoil for maintenance and modification of six offshore oil and gas platforms in the North Sea as well as the onshore Kollsnes processing plant. For the past eight years, ABB has held the maintenance and modification contract for the Troll and Sleipner offshore fields.
The contract extension covers Statoil's offshore installations Veslefrikk, Troll A, Gullfaks, Sleipner, and Draupner, as well as the onshore processing plants Kollsnes, Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden, and Kaarstoe.