UK offshore drillers consider action on pay

Aug. 22, 2022
Unite the Union is balloting more than 300 offshore drilling and contract maintenance workers in the UK on possible strike action after they rejected the offer of a 5% pay increase.

Offshore staff

ABERDEEN, UK  Unite the Union is balloting more than 300 offshore drilling and contract maintenance workers in the UK on possible strike action after they rejected the offer of a 5% pay increase.

Inflation in the UK has recently risen above 10%.

The ballot, which closes on Sept. 27, covers about 600 members of Unite covered by the United Kingdom Drilling Contractors Association (UKDCA). This includes offshore contractors Archer, Maersk, Transocean and Odfjell.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said, “UKDCA drill crews have had no meaningful pay increase for a number of years despite the consistently high price of oil and gas, and record operator profits. Our members have their union’s full support in fighting for better jobs, pay and conditions offshore.”

Vic Fraser, Unite industrial officer, added, “[UK] inflation stands at a 40-year high, and it’s expected to rise further with energy bills having risen by 54%. Drilling companies have major problems in retaining and reemploying experienced drill crew yet they want to pay our members a pittance.

“Unite always remains open to meaningful dialogue, and we urge the UKDCA to get back round the table before the dispute escalates to strike action.”
