Borders & Southern strikes with first southern Falkland offshore exploration drilling
April 23, 2012
Offshore staff
LONDON – Borders & Southern has found gas condensate with its first exploration well offshore the Falkland Islands. The Darwin discovery is also the first in the offshore South Falkland basin.
Well 61/17-1 was drilled by the semisubLeiv Eiriksson to a TD of 4,876 m (15,997 ft). As predicted, the strong 26-sq km (10-sq mi) AVO anomaly on the seismic represented a porous sandstone reservoir holding hydrocarbons.
The well encountered good hydrocarbon shows from 4,633 m down to 4,810 m (15,200-15,781 ft). The main reservoir interval was 84.5 m (277 ft) thick with net pay of 67.8 m (222 ft). Average porosity for this interval was 22%, with maximum values of 30%.
Fluid samples from the reservoir have been recovered and will be transported to the UK for analysis. Once results integrated have been integrated with other well data, Borders & Southern will provide a view on the liquid content of the reservoir.
However, this is a large, simple structure, the company points out, and is therefore likely to contain significant volumes. The well has proven a working source rock, good quality reservoir and competent seals in the South Falkland basin.
After completing wireline logging operations, and P&A’ing of the well in line with regulatory requirements, the rig will next drill the Stebbing prospect.