Petrobras has discovered light oil and gas accumulation in the Tambuata prospect in Brazil’s offshore Espirito Santo basin.
Offshore staff
RIO DE JANEIRO – Petrobras has discovered light oil and gas accumulation in the Tambuata prospect in Brazil’s offshore Espirito Santo basin. Well 4-GLF-31-ESS was drilled in 1,520 m (4,987 ft) water depth in the Golfinho Concession (4-BRSA-1001-ESS). The location is 74 km (46 mi) offshore and 7 km (4.35 mi) from the FPSO Cidade de Vitória, on the eastern side of the Golfinho field. Drilling will continue to a planned depth of 6,100 m (20,000 ft) in order to test deeper formations. Cretaceous period, Santonian-age reservoirs have been identified at a depth between 4,530 and 4,670 m (14,862-15,321 ft), with good conditions for production. The well is part of Petrobras’ Varredura project, designed to boost the production of hydrocarbons in new finds close to existing offshore production systems.Â