AAPG 2014: Schlumberger shows new oil-base mud geological imager

April 8, 2014
Schlumberger is featuring its new nonconductive-mud geological imaging tool at the Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention & Exhibition in Houston.

Offshore staff

HOUSTON – Schlumberger is featuring its new nonconductive-mud geological imaging tool at the Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention & Exhibition in Houston.

The wireline tool has new electronic and mechanical designs to deliver higher-resolutions for 98% of the total circumference of an 8-in borehole, says Schlumberger. The microresistivity images are photo-realistic representations of the formation geology. Facies and other sedimentological and structural features can be identified land correlated.

The new tool uses a sonde that measures the applied AC current at each of 192 microelectrodes. Further, the imager independently applies each pad to the hole wall rather than serving as a centralizer. This also makes it possible to do downlogging

Data interpretation is powered by Techlog wellbore software to enable distinguishing channels and measuring their orientation. The results from Techlog are ready to use in Petrel to refine models.
