OGA commissions further UK offshore studies

Aug. 2, 2016
Britain’s Oil and Gas Authority has awarded four contracts with a combined value of more than £6 million ($7.92 million) for surface and subsurface studies over the next three years.

Offshore staff

LONDONBritain’s Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has awarded four contracts with a combined value of more than £6 million ($7.92 million) for surface and subsurface studies over the next three years.

These are designed to improve understanding and maximize value of the UK’s offshore resources by integrating exploration, development, production, late-life planning, anddecommissioning.

Contracts went to Lloyd’s Register (LR),British Geological Survey (BGS), and Schlumberger.

Gunther Newcombe, OGA exploration, production and decommissioning director, said: “It is vital we can independently assess remaining undiscovered resources and improve our geotechnical understanding.

“In addition, OGA is seeking to drive regional development and protect critical infrastructure while promoting the best application of new technologies.”

LR secured two of the four contracts to provide regional exploration maps and regional and field support engineering services to the OGA.

BGS will provide geoscience project services to aid identification, definition, and quantification of leads and prospects and provide input data to the calculation of undiscovered resource volumes.

Schlumberger will perform subsurface studies and reservoir evaluation services.


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