DNV GL forms JIP to promote use of wet-gas multi-phase meters

May 1, 2014
DNV GL has initiated a joint industry project (JIP) to promote the use of multi-phase ultrasonic flow meters for wet-gas applications.

Offshore staff

HØVIK, Norway –DNV GL has initiated a joint industry project (JIP) to promote the use of multi-phase ultrasonic flow meters for wet-gas applications. Seven industry partners have committed to the JIP, but it is open for more partners.

Currently, multi-phase flow meters and wet-gas flow meters are used for both topside and subsea measurements, enabling operators to improve reservoir modeling and management, optimize production, and manage flow assurance. The output of wet-gas flow meters is also used to determine sales allocation between E&P companies and the royalties payable to the host government.

The technology has been used for dry-gas metering over the last decades, and the first results under wet-gas conditions are promising. However, there is no systematic approach to its use for wet gas. Biases will occur under wet-gas circumstances and therefore an accepted correction algorithm is required. This correction algorithm is seen as an important step toward qualifying ultrasonic flow meters for wet-gas metering.

“The JIP will therefore provide testing guidelines and correction algorithms as a foundation for using ultrasonic flow meters for wet gas,” said Dennis van Putten, a multi-phase flow metering specialist with DNV GL Oil & Gas.

To achieve this correction algorithm, a test program will be performed under conditions close to real field situations (natural gas/water/oil mixtures). These conditions can be created in DNV GL’s Multiphase Flow Facility in Groningen,the Netherlands.

DNV GL is looking for E&P companies and ultrasonic flow meter manufacturers that are interested in participating in the JIP. Industry partners are welcome to join the kick-off meeting on May 5 in Groningen, the Netherlands.
