BSEE completes review of all requests for lease extensions

Nov. 1, 2011
The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) says it has completed its review of all requests for lease extensions received as part of President Obama’s initiative to grant lease extensions for certain leases in the Gulf of Mexico.  

Offshore staff

WASHINGTON, DC – The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) says it has completed its review of all requests for lease extensions received as part of President Obama’s initiative to grant lease extensions for certain leases in the Gulf of Mexico that were affected by disruptions caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the temporary suspension of deepwater drilling.

A Notice to Lessees (guidance document) was issued June 29, 2011, outlining the criteria for receiving the extensions, including production status, lease expiration date and water depth.

After review by BSEE, 97.7% (1,381) of the 1,413 total Suspension of Operations requests received by companies for their offshore leases were granted. The remainder fell outside the scope of the criteria and were denied and/or withdrawn.
