Technip awarded Broom field augmentation pipeline contract

Jan. 27, 2010
Lundin Britain has awarded Technip a $30-million lump-sum contract for an augmentation pipeline at the Broom field in the UK North Sea

Offshore staff

PARIS -- Lundin Britain has awarded Technip a $30-million lump-sum contract for an augmentation pipeline at the Broom field in the UK North Sea. The field, 320 km (199 mi) northeast of Aberdeen, UK, is tied back to the Heather Alpha platform. The new augmentation pipeline will extend the existing Broom subsea infrastructure.

The contract covers the design, fabrication, and installation of a pipe-in-pipe production flowline that will be trenched and backfilled. The work also includes a subsea structure, spoolpiece tie-ins, repositioning of a flexible riser, and rock dumping for upheaval buckling.

Technip’s operating center in Aberdeen will execute the contract, which is scheduled for completion in the third quarter. The pipelines will be welded at Technip’s Spoolbase in Evanton, UK. Technip will use the diving support vessel Orelia and the pipelay vesselApache II for offshore installation.
